
Please use the dropdown menus below to access information about the school year. 


At Home Learning 

We encourage families to read together. This can be parents reading to kids, kids reading to parents, or reading independently.

Some at home learning sites you can investigate:

Kindergarten Readiness 

Kindergarten is a magical year when students grow into thriving learners. All students learn and grow at their own pace. Below we have some information about kindergarten readiness. Please note that these are just suggestions and it is okay if your child is unable to master some of these skills prior to the start of school. 

Personal Skills 


Social/Emotional Skills 

Kindergarten is the year where students learn their special place in a community. At home, we encourage families to talk with their child about positive school behavior. 

 We will be covering all these topics throughout the school year. We appreciate the support you give to your student to help him/her be successful in their school community!

School Supply List

Ford Family Handbook