What is the classroom behavior policy?

The First Grade team has adopted the clip chart system to reinforce positive behavior. This clip chart system encourages students to self-monitor their behavior. Student choices will be tracked on our clip chart. All students will begin the day on the green "Ready to Learn" section of the chart. They will move their clip up or down the chart throughout the day depending on the choices that they make. Clips that are moved down may be moved back up when behavior warrants. Likewise, once a clip is moved up, it may also be moved down. The clip chart sections and colors are as follows:

Awesome (Pink)

Great Job (Purple)

Good Job (Blue)

Ready to Learn (Green)

Think About it (Yellow)

Teacher's Choice (orange)

Parent Communication (Red)

We will also have a system to reward collective class behavior. The class will earn points when they are all making good choices. (ie. walking quietly in the hall, making quick transitions, earning a compliment from an adult, etc.) When they reach the class goal, they will earn a special treat.