Colorado Crisis Services is the statewide behavioral health crisis response system offering residents mental health, substance use or emotional crisis help, information and referrals. Its mission is to strengthen Colorado’s mental health system by providing Coloradans with greater access to crisis services wherever they are at 24/7/365 regardless of ability to pay. 

1-844-493-8255    |     Text “TALK” to 38255 

Separation Anxiety 

Please reach out for more specific information regarding these tips from Whole Child Counseling

Whole Child Counseling Recommended Books

Technology & Social Media

Emotion Coaching Phrases For Parents 

1. It's okay to be upset -- it's good to let it out. 

2. I hear you -- I'm here for you -- I'll stay with you. 

3. It's okay to feel how you feel. It is not okay to _________.” 

4. How you feel right now won't last forever. It's okay to feel how you are feeling. It will pass and you will feel better again soon. 

5. Let's take a breath, take a break, sit down, pause for a minute…  

6. You are good and kind. 

7. I'll be over here when you need me.                            

8. Let's have a Do-over! 

9. What can we learn from this? What is the lesson in this? What is the emotion trying to tell us? 

10. You'll remember next time.

Community Resources


The Mysterious Workings of the Teeange Brain

"Why do teenagers seem so much more impulsive, so much less self-aware than grown-ups? Cognitive neuroscientist Sarah-Jayne Blakemore compares the prefrontal cortex in adolescents to that of adults, to show us how typically "teenage" behavior is caused by the growing and developing brain."


What to Say When...

Talking to your teen. Probably one of the biggest parenting challenges you’ve encountered so far. Eyerolls, door slams and “whatever” can become a standard part of communication when children hit the teenage years. What is a parent to do?

Every day conversations can be challenging, but what about more emotionally-charged situations? Those may feel impossible. This book was created to help support you and your teen through those really tough conversations.