
Participation and Absences:

At Arapahoe High School, we have developed a culture in our Cross Country program that “everyone can run”. With one of the largest programs in the state, we understand that our athletes are motivated by a wide variety of factors. We have athletes who will compete at the highest level of varsity competition this year, ones who are training for future years of varsity competition, runners who compete primarily against their personal records, athletes who use cross country as a means to train for their primary sport, and runners who simply enjoy the social aspect of running. Regardless of motivation, no athlete can realize his or her maximum potential without the consistent training of team practice and racing experience of a meet. For this reason, all athletes are expected to be at every practice and meet for their level. As coaches, we realize that there are a variety of reasons that an athlete may need to miss a practice or meet. The following is an attempt to clarify excused versus unexcused absences as well as the consequences of such absences.

Practice/Meet Excused Absences: To be considered excused, the coaches should be notified in an email from the student and parent as soon as possible. Advance notice is preferred when possible. Determination of absence status is ultimately up to the discretion of the coach. Examples include:

  • Doctor/Dental Appointment (Dr. note requested)

  • Illness (Communicate ASAP)

  • School tests & teacher consultations that CAN’T be scheduled at another time (teacher note requested)

  • College Visits

  • Family Vacations/Travel/Outings

  • Family Emergency (communicate ASAP)

  • Practice/Games/Meetings for other sports or clubs (approved by the coach)

  • Work (approved by the coach)

Impact of Absences on Meet Participation and Team Standing

1) One (1) unexcused absence is allowed during the entire season to remain eligible for varsity meet participation.

2) A maximum of three (3) unexcused absences are allowed during the entire season to remain on the team. A fourth unexcused absence will result in the removal of that athlete from the team for the remainder of the season.

3) Excessive absences during the week may result in revocation of eligibility for meet participation. However, athletes who are ill are expected NOT to attend practice to help keep the rest of the team healthy. It is up to the head coach to determine if an athlete may participate at the weekly meet after a multiple day absence of any kind.

Additional Meet Participation and Team Standing Rules

All members of the team are required to attend every meet for their running level, including injured and ineligible runners. This includes Saturday meets and Scrimmages. For the purpose of check-out rules, meets taking place at deKoevend Park are considered “home” meets. All other meets are considered “away” meets. Runners may become ineligible for meet participation for a variety of team rule infractions, including but not limited to the following situations:

1) An athlete who fails to arrive on time to an “away” meet may not participate in that meet. Student drivers with the appropriate transportation forms on file may drive themselves to meets.

2) An athlete who fails to check out with a coach after awards ceremonies may not participate in the next meet.

3) Regardless of “home” or “away” status, athletes are expected to remain at all meets through the end of the awards ceremony.

Away” Meet Check-Out Rules

  1. Parents are encouraged to wait until after the awards ceremony has concluded to check-out their athlete.

  2. Parents must meet in person with the coach responsible for check-out.

  3. Athletes may only leave with another athlete’s parent if both the parent who is driving and athlete have the appropriate transportation waivers on file AND an email from the parent of the athlete is received by noon on the day of the meet describing the driving arrangement.

3) An athlete who “ditches” practice may not participate in the next meet. Furthermore an athlete who “ditches” will receive one warning. If an athlete is found to have “ditched” a second workout, he or she will be removed from the team.

“Ditching” is described as the act of checking in for practice but then intentionally skipping the remainder of practice without the approval of the coach.

4) Athletes who demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct may be prohibited from participating in the following meet. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to: disrespectful language or actions, property damage, putting self or others at risk, etc...