AHS Thespians

For more detailed information join our Google Classroom, code lkgihyt

Important Thespian Dates - Fall 24

August 15 - After School - First Thespian Meeting

August 19 - 21 - After School - Treasure Island Auditions/Interviews

August 22 - 6 pm - Thespian Parents Meeting

October 3 - 5 - 7 pm - Treasure Island Performances

November 11 - 14 - After School - County Fair Auditions/Interviews

December 3 - 7 pm - CE Acting Showcase

December 5 - 7 pm - CE Theatrical Production Performance

December 12 - 14 - ThesCon

24 - 25 Thespian Officers

Addison Becker

Katie Copp

Ashton Ellis

Moya Goodiel

Kate Jonnard

Keira Kou

Addison Becker

I am excited to be an officer for our thespian troupe next year!  I have experience with both acting and tech roles so, I understand the similarities and differences of goals, procedures, and execution.  Specifically, I have worked sound, costumes, props, acting, and set for class productions, along with set or acting for 5 after-school productions.  I am committed to theatre and find genuine enjoyment in the creation and sharing of productions.  I am dedicated to putting in the work to make future shows known and run smoothly.  I love y’all and can’t wait to work with you guys next year!! 

Katie Copp

I have wanted to be an officer since I first joined theatre. The thespian officers in my freshman year helped me find a home in high school. I looked up to them greatly and knew I wanted to be able to be that person for others. Throughout my freshman year theatre was a safe space and a home for me, and continues to be now. I want to be a bigger part of that and try to help make it a safe space for others who may need it. I want to be a voice for people in the troupe. I have watched the past officers and learned from them how to lead as an officer does, and I want to keep that going. As I have done every opportunity I have had in theatre, I was inducted into the thespian society my freshman year and was awarded the Jade accolade. I love theatre and I want to be an even bigger part of it.  

Ashton Ellis

I loved the opportunity to be an Officer for the Arapahoe Thespian community last year.  I really appreciate the dedication that every single person commits to each production. Hard work and dedication are pillars that hold up the foundation of theatrics. Everyone who has dedicated themselves to this community in the process of getting better deserves the utmost respect. 

I have experience in both tech, acting, and leading so I understand all the struggles trying to perform a production. I want to build an ecosystem of fun where everyone's voice is heard and enjoys the process. There are many unique individuals in this gigantic theatric family so I want to make it my priority that everyone has a say in what's happening and loves doing it. 

My first taste of theater was early, Freshman year, and ever since I have been obsessed with everything remotely involved in this craft. Being so young I looked up to the Officers and Upperclassmen. Now being in a leadership position I understand the pivotal role these figures have in this community. So I will do my absolute best to set a good example for the incredibly talented successors of the program, for when I'm old and gross, this experience will be a shining light in my life and this family will be forever growing.

Kate Jonnard

I am excited to be an officer next year because I love the Arapahoe theatre community. As a senior, I want to make sure that I can be a leader and help the incoming students feel welcomed and accepted. I’m excited to prepare for and attend meetings. I want to be in a position to listen to people and voice their concerns or compliments to everybody on the board. I can’t wait to expand my craft and knowledge next year and become a better person along the way and I’m glad the Thespian Board will be a part of my life.  

Moya Goodiel

I am excited to be a thespian officer next year because I want to continue to make this group of thespians an open, accepting, and encouraging group. I am so impressed and proud of the people we have in this community. I have grown so much myself with the help of some of the thespian officers over the years and I would like to be there for others next year. I feel as though people look up to me as an upper-classman and, yes that’s scary, but I know how beneficial it is to receive help and friendship from someone in a grade above you. I want to make this a community that shines. When Thespians leave rehearsal or class people will ask them, "Why are you so happy?" And they will say they were in theatre. People will want to join because of the welcoming community of Arapahoe theatre! 

Keira Kou

I am excited to be a thespian officer this year! I feel like I’ve learned a lot about officer duties and responsibilities through my role last year. I’ve had a lot of fun getting to meet new people and introducing them to theatre, and it’s been great watching our troupe expand and learn throughout the year. Next year, I’d like to work on having more opportunities for our troupe to connect beyond rehearsals and performances. I also have more ideas to expand the marketing that we established this year, especially further within the school. I worked on a poster design this year, and I’d like to do more posters as well and possibly t-shirt designs for future shows. Being an officer again would give me more time to discuss with the other officers about how to actually execute the ideas that we have for the troupe, and hopefully continue many of the great things we were able to accomplish this year.