Preparation for the trip toFürstenfelbruck (Munich)

from the 7th to the 12th of March 2022

Before leaving to Germany, we had to prepare the workshops we were going to present to the other delegations. We started to prepare the trip several weeks before and met very frequently on lunchtime.

We chose to work first on the Rover workshop, we decided to work with temperature sensors, leds and presence sensors. Finally, after a few try, our program worked perfectly on the calculator and the rover.

We then worked on the anemometer workshop. We had to, firstly, build it, and secondly, make it work. After a few hours of work, we had a perfectly functional anemometer. But we still had to prepare the workshop for the presentation, we had to think about what we would explain to the other delegations.

Once that was done, we were ready to leave! We were all waiting impatiently the day of departure (March 7th)!