Day 1

Departure from Poitiers!!

Monday, the first day of our trip was dedicated to travel. We met at the station in Poitiers at 7 AM to take our train at 7h14. We used this first train to work on our workshops, finalize and make sure everyone had the required equipment (rovers and calculators). It was exciting to finally be on the way after so much preparation of this trip!

We arrived in Montparnasse station, in Paris around 10 AM and from there took a subway and a RER to Charles de Gaulle's airport. After finding the righ terminal, we had our picnic before checking in our luggage and pass the security tests. All that being done, it was time to fly straigh to Munich !

The flight was 1h30 and we landed around 1.30 PM, in Munchen international airport, german adventure was starting !

To reach Fürstenfelbruck we had to take a S-Bahn (kind of german train, sometimes undurground) at the airport. Since the airport is not in Munich but norther, it took some time.

Almost 12 hours after our departure, we arrived at the hotel around 6 PM. We discovered our rooms, set up a bit and got ready to head out to dinner.

Finally, we ate in a "Asia wok" (an asian buffet) really convinient because right next to the hotel. We first met the german students and we sat mixing nationalities and starting talking in english. We then got joined by the Portuguese team, and later on by the Polish and Italians. The evening was really great, we quickly started talking to everyone, get to know eachother, mix all of our languages and had a lot of fun !

After such a long day we gladly went to sleep to be ready for the next day, the real start of our Erasmus !