FAmily Sessions

Through a set of engaging and introspective workshops, families gain proficiency in applying the 15 pillars that form the foundation of love in action. This aids in fostering their children's social and emotional development while nurturing their own toolkit encompassing self-love, self-esteem, self-regulation, and emotional intelligence. Participants also acquire skills in emotional intelligence, self-regulation, self-love, and tools to enhance their relationships with children and family.

Session 1: Introduction to Lovescaping & self-awareness

Participants will create agreements based on their needs, experience a Lovescaping Circle, and initiate the journey of reflecting on their experiences and the practice of love. Additionally, they will gain tools to enhance self-awareness, unlearn when necessary, and grasp the significance of intentionality in practicing love in action. Furthermore, they will be introduced to the 15 pillars of love in action.

Session 2: Self-Regulation

Participants will comprehend attachment theory, explore the effects of trauma and ACEs on themselves and children, and define self-regulation. They will also distinguish between regulation and dysregulation, identify triggers, learn self-regulation strategies, and practice applying these strategies to respond to situations from a place of love rather than fear.

Session 3: Humility

Participants will define humility and explore the qualities of a humble person, understand and create their own "frame of reference," reflect on various types of frames of reference and their connection to humility, apply humility intentionally in their life, and contemplate how humility serves as a pillar of love in action and a prerequisite for empathy.

Session 4: Empathy

Participants will define empathy and explore the characteristics of empathetic individuals. They will understand the distinction between empathy and sympathy, learn empathic communication tools like reflective listening, practice both empathic listening and speaking, engage in self-empathy and communicate needs, and apply empathy intentionally to their daily life. Additionally, they will reflect on how empathy serves as a pillar of love in action.

Session 5: Communication

Participants will explore various communication styles—passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive—and reflect on their own communication practices. They will also learn the components of Non-Violent Communication (NVC), understand the nature of assumptions and how to avoid them, practice NVC, apply it more intentionally in their life, and reflect on how communication serves as a pillar of love in action.

Session 6: vulnerability & Trust

Participants will define and explore ways to practice vulnerability, reflect on their personal experiences with vulnerability and trust, learn to set boundaries, and intentionally apply vulnerability and trust in their lives. They will also reflect on how vulnerability and trust serve as pillars of love in action.

Family testiomonies from atttendin Lovescaping Family Sessions.