How is the Louisville Public Library funded?

Libraries in the state of Ohio receive funding from the bi-annual state budget. Currently, libraries receive 1.7% of the total state budget and that budget is called the Public Library Fund (PLF). The PLF is then distributed amongst all 88 counties. Within Stark county, the PLF is divided amongst seven library systems, based on library statistics and service area. In 2019, the Louisville Public Library will have received $587,868.25 from the PLF, which makes up 4.5% of the PLF distributed in Stark county.

In addition, libraries may request a local levy from their community. In Ohio, there are 251 public libraries and 201 public libraries have a local levy. In Louisville, our 1 mill local levy generates $339,153.80 and makes up one third of our budget.

The Louisville Public Library is currently operating with a 1 mill levy and can offer you so many of the same great library services that larger libraries do, such as our sensory space, library lab, great books and resources, online books and excellent programming such as “Painting with Bob Ross,” story times, book clubs and outreach services to our schools and senior centers that includes materials and quality programming for our teachers, seniors and students.