Louisville Public Library Strategic Plan 2020-2023

LOUISPL-001 Strategic Plan Graphic.pdf
LOUISPL-001 Goals and Objectives.pdf

Our first goal is to communicate better with the community. Our survey told us you want us to share more of what we do, like the Sensory Space at the Discovery Center, or Passport services, or exciting programs like our upcoming “Spend the Day with Murphy” event, featuring Irish culture and service dog information, hosted by Irish Wolfhound and certified service dog Murphy of Proper Pet Training, Inc. But we want to make sure we’re not just blanketing the township and town, but targeting interested parties with information they can actually use. As part of this goal, we will also be rebranding, defining what the Library stands for, revising our mission and values, and even designing a new logo. All this is to inform you, so you have a better idea of how we are using taxpayer funds.

Our second goal is about using the facilities we have as responsibly as we can. As I reported last week, the Board of Trustees has voted to not pursue a new library building on the green space in downtown Louisville. The Library will stay right where we are, at 700 Lincoln Avenue, and perform some deferred maintenance so the current building will be comfortable. We will start by assessing the property and setting up a plan for the maintenance. We are being financially prudent, spending within our current budget on updates that will make the building safe and inviting. We’ll explore some new signage, and continue an open conversation with community organizations about the use of the green space.

The third library goal is to fine-tune our activities, events, and services. We will take a good look at what we do, and make sure all people in the community, all ages, interests and abilities, are well-served by the Library. We will also invest time and energy into our staff, helping them to stay up-to-date on library trends and energized about their work. The community has grown accustomed to happy, cheerful, helpful staff, and we want to make sure everyone feels welcomed by them.

Our fourth goal, for fiscal responsibility and transparency, is also a continuation of what we already do. We plan to offer more information to the community about our finances, including where our funding comes from and exactly how we use it. We want you to know how your taxes are being spent. We will also debunk false fiscal information out there, and provide the facts for our community so you can make informed decisions. The Library will also pursue additional cost-saving measures to better utilize the taxpayers’ money.

Lastly, the Louisville Public Library will work to integrate the community, by establishing an advisory committee and continuing to partner with local organizations. We will work to establish the Library’s role in the community, and help organize cooperative events. I will also be making the rounds through township, town and region to talk about what the Louisville Public Library does, and answer questions about the Library and how we work with other community organizations.