For just $1 each, parents, students, local businesses and teachers can send a little encouragement during state testing. 

Part of our commitment as a Unified Champion School involves being self-sufficient and raising funds for school-wide programs and events.  Testing Grams sales is one of the main ways this is done at McAuliffe.  

In 2023, we sold OVER 1,000 testing grams in just ONE WEEK. For a profit of $500. 

This money will directly fund Abilities Awareness Week in 2024. 

How can YOU promote hard work and support individuals with disabilities at McAuliffe?

Send your child a little extra encouragement with a testing gram (or two).

<<<< Help us raise money for inclusive and unified activities at McAuliffe by purchasing Testing Grams.

 May 6th-17th!

Turn in your flyer to the Main Office.

100% of the profit supports students and programs at McAuliffe.