PDCE LAUNch week
Personal Development and Character Education is an integral part of Lordswood Boys' School. During our launch week, which began on Monday 19th June, students were given the opportunity to try different activities during Period 5. These were designed to encourage their own personal growth, and build on important traits such as resilience, teamwork and leadership.
year 7
Year 7 began with Kickball, an exciting game similar to baseball and rounders, that they were able to enjoy in the bright sunshine on Monday. The large, soft ball is rolled and they have to kick it as far as they can, and try to score as many runs as possible within the 20 minutes they have. If they kick the ball out of the zone they get a strike, but if they miss three kicks or the ball is caught then they are out. The winner with the most runs is the winner!
Unfortunately, due to weather concerns and predictions of thunderstorms, Tuesday's activities for all year groups had to be called off.
On Wednesday Year completed an LGBTQ+ Art Project. Students worked on creating a word art project based around identity and a sense of belonging.
Thursday afternoon saw Year 7 competing in Dodgeball. In their literacy groups, the students worked together to eliminate the opposing team by hitting them with a dodgeball or catching one of their throws. When you catch a thrown ball, not only do you eliminate the thrower, but you can also bring back one of your own eliminated players. Catches win matches!
Year 8
Our Year 8 students spend Period 5 on Monday creating their own Cultural Arts Project, based around themes of identity and belonging, and they created some wonderful pieces of work. These were then displayed around the school for all the students to appreciate.
On Wednesday Year 8 flexed their mathematical muscles by taking part in Countdown. Students competed within their Literacy Groups, until they had one champion to represent them in the final.
It was great to see the competitive spirit as the students problem solved under timed conditions. The winning Literacy Group was Rams, with Hasan M. representing them in the final.
On Thursday afternoon, Year 8 played Softball, a game which has similar rules to baseball. Teams take turns to play two innings, with all players having a turn at batting, and an innings is over when all the batting players are either out or at a base. The team with the most runs, wins!
Year 9
Year 9 began the week with an exciting game of Capture the Flag, in which each team must get both their own and the opposing team's baton into their box, without being captured and put in the 'prison'.
The game relies on teamwork and cooperation, and it was great to see the students working together.
On Wednesday, students worked on a Refugee art project, in which they were given templates of silhouettes so that collectively as a year group their work created a collage of refugees, acknowledging their journeys and the strength that comes from being united.
Year 9 spent Thursday afternoon in the sunshine, learning how to put up tents and how to cook on outdoor stoves, making noodles for them to enjoy.
These skills will be crucial for students that are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme next year.
year 10
As Year 10 were in the midst of their mock exams, Monday's afternoon activity combined revision tips and skills, to prepare them for their final year of GCSEs.
Students were given a mindfulness session run by an external visitor, that showed them different breathing exercises as well as some yoga moves for the students to practise.
On Wednesday Year 10 worked incredibly hard as they had their Chemistry mock exam in the afternoon.
During Thursday afternoon students took a break from their exams, and were provided with incredibly valuable information and first aid training. They looked at how to bandage wounds, how to use slings to support broken arms, and how to provide effective CPR.
trip day
The week ended with Trip Day to celebrate all the hard work that students have been completing this academic year. Years 7, 8 and 9 were off to Drayton Manor, while Years 10 and 11 spent the day at Alton Towers.
It was a day packed full of rollercoasters and rides, arcade games, bumper cars, prizes won and lots of fun for all the students and staff!
A big thank you to Ms Sandhu for all her hard work and organisation during Launch Week, and to all the staff who helped throughout the week and during Trip Day!
Lordswood Boys' School • Hagley Road • Harborne • Birmingham • B17 8BJ
Tel: 0121 464 2837
Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk
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