Health Requirements

The H. Clarke Powers Extended Day Program is sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of each child each day. To protect the health of all children, these rules will be followed:

1. It is the parent’s responsibility to verify that their child’s daily health is adequate to participate in the program.

2. The instructor has authority to refuse any child who shows signs of illness. Children who are ill will be taken to the site Principal’s office. Parent’s will be contacted to pick up the child.

3. If your child is exposed to a communicable disease, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE SITE IMMEDIATELY so that incubation dates are verified and the health of all children concerned may be protected.

4. MEDICATION: In order for medication to be administered, Education Code states that the H. Clarke Powers Extended Day Program must receive:

a. A Doctor’s authorization and a H. Clarke Powers Extended Day Program Medication Assistance Waiver form for each medication, signed by the parent. All medication must be in the original pharmacy container with the pharmacy label attached.

b. A NEW Medical Assistance Waiver is required whenever medication is changed.

c. It is the parent’s responsibility to transport medication and authorized form to the H. Clarke Powers Extended Day Program site.

d. Medication will be dispensed by the school nurse, site secretary, or Principal prior to the end of the daily office hours.

e. Students needing to carry emergency medication such as an Epi-pen or inhaler will need to have an emergency medical plan on file in the school office.