School Supply Pantry

During the 2013-2014 School year, when Braedon Marr was a third grade student here at West Middle Island, he was given $50.00 by his grandfather for his birthday to do something good for someone else. Braedon wanted to do something for someone he might know. Braedon had been chatting about that same time with his parents about how school supplies were so expensive. Braedon then asked his parents "well what do kids do who can't afford these supplies?" It was at that moment that Braedon decided to take his money that he received from his grandfather and to fill a backpack with school supplies and donate them to WMI. This is how the West Middle Island School Supply Pantry was born.

Today we continue to receive donations from community members, local groups (Middle Island Fire Department) and from West Middle Island Staff. The Pantry is currently managed by one of our staff, Terry Vetter.

The Supply Pantry is utilized frequently to provide students with school supplies who could not typically afford to buy them.

The staff is always grateful to Braedon Marr and his selflessness and generosity as we continue to help the children at West Middle Island.