Grading Policy

The grading policy for 7th Grade Mathematics is as follows:

              *See class participation grading rubric below. 

               *See grading rubric below for how tests, quizzes, and other assignments will be graded.

Cheating is defined as “acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.”  Examples of cheating include but are not limited to:  receiving, giving, copying, or plagiarizing another’s answers on any assignment (tests, quizzes, take homes, labs, homework, etc.); using math apps, other websites, or receiving help while taking online tests/quizzes; as well as sharing test questions or information asked on an assessment with other students prior to or while they are taking it.  You are expected to act with academic honesty and integrity.  You will be expected to surrender any cell phones and/or smartwatches prior to taking an exam in class.  Students caught cheating on any test, quiz, or assignment will earn a zero that cannot be made up.  Additional consequences may be found in the LJHS Honor Code.

Class Participation Grading Rubric.pdf
7th Grade Mathematics Grading Rubric.pdf