Click on the picture above to read the story and find more COVID-19 activities for students.

En este cuento imprimible gratuito, Shubert y Sophie aprenden a navegar a través de sus grandes sentimientos sobre CCOVID-19 con la ayuda de sus padres. Lea esta historia con sus niños para compartir un momento de conexión y disfrutar de una nueva visita a Bug Valley, a la vez que aprenden habilidades útiles en el camino.

NPR's Goats & Soda has two comics that explore what the coronavirus is & how to cope with it. Both comics can be printed into a one page 'zine'.

8 min; Topic: Feelings about COVID-19.webm

Listen to a story about the mixed feelings you might have during these challenging times.

Click on the picture above for "Coronavirus Stress Activities for Kinder-2nd grade students."

Click on the picture above for "Coronavirus Stress Activities for 3rd-5th grade students."

Looking for a way to remember this time? Create a journal using the link above!

Read "Covibook" to for a kid friendly understanding of the coronovirus. Great for younger students and provided in multiple languages.

Looking forward to when life is 'normal'? Create a Someday Soon Jar to start planning some exciting adventures for the future!

Click on the pic for instructions on how to make "My 2020 COVID-19 TIME CAPSULE". A meaningful way to document your life during this time.