Painting by Edwin Landseer, Scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Titania and Bottom, 1851, National Gallery of Victoria.


Summer Reading

Below is the link to LHS's summer reading website. Rather than a prescribed list of books at each level, we have gone to a student-choice approach. Our hope is that this will encourage students to develop and indulge a habit for reading.

All students may select any book of their choice as long it is one that they have not read previously and is appropriate for their reading level. 

In addition, students enrolled in honors and AP classes must read a second book that is assigned. 

Longmeadow High School Summer Reading Website

Summer Reading linked graphic
Card Catalog link graphic

The Longmeadow High School Library and Media Center offers our learning community a state-of-the-art technology room, contemporary and classic books, e-books, and a large number of research databases. We provide academic support, preparation for university research and writing, and are integrated into the activity cycle of LHS academic departments. The Librarian works to procure relevant and credible resources, providing individual and group instruction as needed.

Mrs. Kennedy

Kerry Kennedy, Librarian    I   413-565-4220 Ext. 2317   I

I come to Longmeadow from having taught the last 8 years at an elementary school in Agawam.  I am originally from Missouri and majored in Biology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis where I took my degree and a love of animals to work at the St. Louis Zoo and then Disney's Animal Kingdom.   After meeting my Prince Charming at Disney, we moved to Agawam where he grew up.  Trying to find my niche in New England, I worked at The Zoo in Forest Park and was Assistant Men's and Women's Volleyball Coach at Elms College among other jobs.  

I have always loved books and when the opportunity to be the Library Media Assistant at my childrens' elementary school presented itself, I couldn't pass it up.  Through the support of my family, friends and former boss, I recently completed my Masters in Library Teacher from Cambridge College.  I am very excited for this new challenge of working with young adults and can't wait to show the students at Longmeadow High School all the amazing resources the Library Media Center has to offer.

Mrs. Kennedy's YouTube Channel link graphic

Mrs. Kennedy's YouTube Channel