

INSTRUCTOR: Kelly Gallo,


Given: Full Year

Open to: Juniors, Seniors

Prerequisite: Students must have completed 9th grade health as well as 9th and 10th grade PE

Academic Expectations: Solve problems, recognize and respect cultural similarities and differences

This course is designed to meet the needs of LHS females who are interested in focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and personal fitness. This is not a “sports-based” course. Students will be introduced to both traditional and non-traditional activities that address basic fitness principles in a non-threatening and supportive environment. Students will complete regular self-assessments of physical, emotional, and social wellness and will create and implement personal plans to address all aspects of wellness. Team building activities that address the aspects of fitness will be a large part of this course with the goal of fostering positive relationships among the class participants.


The Student(s) will…

  • Participate with 100% effort in all class activities.

  • Identify at least two fitness activities they are likely to participate in outside of class.

  • Create a Personal Wellness Log reflecting on physical, emotional, and social well-being.

  • Work cooperatively with classmates in the areas of health and fitness.

TEXTBOOK/SOFTWARE: No textbook required

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Change of clothes, sneakers

GRADING: 4 P’s - Present, Prepared, Participate, Positive = %100

ATTENDANCE: Students must make up all classes that are missed. It is the student’s responsibility to find out if they have missed any classes, and keep track of how many they have. Students that have absences should see their Physical Education Teacher A.S.A.P. to schedule make-ups. Students have two weeks to make up absences. Students may make up absences and unprepared classes during their ICE blocks or by appointment with their teacher. EACH STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING TRACK OF MISSED CLASSES.

COURSE AND CLASSROOM POLICIES: The spirit of this course is to address issues that are specific to females as well as to create a comfortable atmosphere for ALL class participants to feel safe trying new things. Therefore, students must treat each other with respect at all times and come in with a non-judgemental, open mind. Cell phones are not allowed in class unless directed to by their teacher.