11th Grade Health

Quarter 3 Health:

Goal of the Quarter: To build upon the knowledge and skills students have acquired through their previous experiences in Health and Wellness classes in grades K-10 in the Longmeadow Public Schools. This course will help students develop skills for navigating common social situations encountered in late high school and beyond.

Unit 1 - Sexual Health and Relationships

Review of sexually transmitted infections, birth control methods, decision-making, communication, and consent. 

Unit 2 - Alcohol/Vaping/Other Drugs

We explore peer pressure, decision-making, communication skills, as well as marketing techniques.  Substances of focus include Nicotine, Cannabis, Alcohol, Prescription Drugs, and Other Common Drugs. Shelly Warren, LPS Substance Use Response Coordinator, visits the class to do a lesson on Substance Use Disorders, and strategies for quitting vaping.

Unit 3 - Overall Wellness

Topics include stress management, sleep, mental health and nutrition.