11th Grade Wellness

 Wellness Department Requirements


Students will:

To be successful in The Wellness Department you must follow the 4 P’s



PROPER ATTIRE =  A change of clothes such as t-shirts/sweatshirts, shorts/sweatpants, sneakers and socks.  Sneakers must have laces and be tied securely to avoid injuries.  No jewelry!

NOTE: If a student leaves class with the same clothes they wore during class they will receive a zero for the day.  

Any student who is not prepared with the proper attire for class WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THEIR SPORTS PRACTICE OR GAME THAT DAY.


Any student who is not well enough to participate in their Wellness class on any given day WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THEIR SPORTS PRACTICE OR GAME THAT DAY.


Come to class with a positive attitude! Wellness class is a time where you have the opportunity to move your body, interact with other students, learn something new, and have fun! All students should be treated with respect regardless of any similarities or differences. Always be considerate of how your body language, comments, actions, etc. might affect others in the class. 


Students will learn about...

Tennis Rules & Game play.

Tennis Scoring

Tennis Lines and areas of the court

Modified Tennis Games

Students will be able to...

Hit a forehand shot from a self bounce.

Hit a backhand shot from a self bounce.

Hit a forehand shot from a partner throw.

Hit a backhand shot from a partner throw.

Serve from behind the baseline.

Use a modified serve to keep games active.

Play a tennis game, set, and match.


Students will learn about...

The basic function of muscle tissue.

The names of major muscle groups.

Points of origin, insertion, and muscle action.

How muscles create movement

The names of exercises.

How to safely perform exercises.

How to warm up and cool down.

Different training methods.

Students will be able to...

properly perform lifting exercises on machines and free weights.

set up a personal weight lifting program.

safely spot someone else that is lifting.

Use the 7 functional movements

Students will learn about...

History of Archery.

Different kinds of bows.

Different arrow materials.

Eye dominance.

Draw technique.

The 11 steps to archery success.

Different kinds of archery competitions.

Students will be able to...

Set up a safe archery range.

Demonstrate safe archery technique.

Successfully hit an archery target at 5 yards.

Score different types of archery competitions.

Correct a partner with improper shooting form.