Popsicle pedestrian bridge 

About The bridge  :

The end result of the bridge was very strong and could hold lots of  wait, the most wait it held was about 30 oz. So in the end the test when very well.   The abutments help support the base. And the walk way can hold lots of people and there things. We had chosen a truss bridge so that it would have a very balance tension and compression as the live load moved threw it.  to go in to  into detail as people walk along the bridge that would add weight. so the bridges beams would pull in the  triangle  help make it stronger so it dons't collapse in on its self.  The bridge also had to be the span of 14 inches and ours was just about 14 and a haft.  

The inspiration  ( picture ) 

Why were building this bridge ?

Are steam class saw how poorly we were treating are planet, one bad is air population so we decided to make a small bridge out of popsicle sticks that could potentially be made out of real materials  another reason why a pedestrian bridge would be good in longmeadow is because there is little to no bridges for peoples use. 

 My Team : 

In the end my team could have worked way better together if we actually listened before bursting out into argument, sure wei put way to much glue but maybe that extra glue held the bridge together longer. Maybe the way Gwen made the abutment held the whole bridge up for more then we could have expected and though we argued the whole way throw I did like my team, though with out the help of Mr McCarthy I don't know if we would have made it. in the end we accomplished what we were supposed to and did it even better then we could have imagined.