The Outwood Diploma

What do we do to achieve an OPA Diploma qualification?

As part of the enhanced curriculum, we provide the children with a range of opportunities throughout the year that enhances and extends the academic curriculum through the Outwood Diploma. We consistently promote the extensive personal development of pupils. We go beyond the expected, so that pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. The Outwood Diploma is a key part of our curriculum and covers 6 key areas, ‘Be a good British and International Citizen', ‘Keep Myself and Others Safe’, ‘Protect and Respect the Environment’, ‘Have High Aspirations and Skills for Adult Life’, ‘Actively Contribute to my Local Community’ and ‘Lead a Healthy Lifestyle’.

Over the last academic year, all of our children took part in a myriad of different activities that linked to the OPA Diploma. They included:

- Taking part in a class company and academy community enterprise event (Trade Event). The funds from this event were used to create an academy art gallery;

- Using green screens to create sustainability and environmental improvement videos;

- Reusing plastics in creative ways to support cleaner oceans;

- Surveying and analysing our academy sustainability by discussing this with various adults across the academy;

- Working closely with civic actors like the police, MPs, community figures and the Mayor to understand what it means to be a good British and international citizen;

- Taking part in a multi faith and multi cultural event with various faith leaders and numerous examples of traditional cuisine;

- Working with various figures (police, fire service, road safety team etc.) to understand the importance of keeping safe;

- Planting trees on site to help the academy environment become greener;

- Visiting our local care home and community centre to take part in some cross generation work.

EYFS exploring the importance of Fair Trade

KS1 working with our local PCSOs

Y6 St Johns Ambulance first aid qualification

Y5 learning British Sign Language

KS1 having visit from Rothwell Fire Service

Y4 achieving the Google Internet Legend Award

Working with Wakefield Council

Litter picking with Wakefield Council