

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between mathematical ideas. As an academy we merge and adopt the Singapore and Shanghai approach to maths through the use of high quality textbooks (Power Maths) and Same Day Intervention.

The textbooks, which run from Reception to Year 6;

  • Are accessible and introduce concepts in a highly scaffolded way, enabling all children to develop critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians;

  • Are built on a concrete - pictorial - abstract approach, ensuring secure foundations and deep understanding of mathematical concepts;

  • Support an exciting growth mind-set and problem solving approach to help spark a curiosity and excitement for maths and equip children with deeper understanding.

  • Are written specifically for UK curriculum classrooms by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.

  • Offer an enriched approach that cleverly combines interactive teaching tools, rich and quality textbooks and practice books.

  • Are fully aligned to the National Curriculum and are recommended by the DFE.

Support At Home

TT Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Your child can log on at home or school to improve their times table knowledge.

My Maths

My Maths allows teachers to assign homework to pupils from Year 1 upwards to develop your childs’ confidence and fluency in maths.