
Thursday June 7th: End of Year Awards Banquet 

The first annual strings awards banquet for students and their families will take place on June 7th at 7pm in cafeteria.  Mrs. Oakley will host the event, but is asking that families pitch in for dinner.  Please take a look below for what to bring based on the first letter of your last name: 

A-F: Appetizer (finger food)

G-K: Side dish

L-P: Main dish (casserole or crock pot dish)

Q-Z: dessert

Rapp volunteered for plates, napkins, forks, spoons, bowls

Oakley is bringing all drinks and cups.

Please do not include nuts of any kind in your dish.  Also, I will need help with set up and clean up as well as parent help during the event to facilitate food serving.