Èideadh  / Uniform


The Education Committee recommended at its meeting of 21 August 1997 that - ‘the adoption of a distinctive dress code chosen to enhance the ethos of the school should be encouraged in all schools’.  

In Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, the suggested uniform is as follows:

The Sgoil-àraich uniform is as follows:

Clothing with the school or sgoil-àraich badges can be purchased at:

Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar | Product categories | SPT Uniforms

Pupils representing the school in inter-school events or on public occasions are always expected to wear school uniform

Shorts and tee-shirts are required for PE. The children may wear either trainers or gym shoes in the gym, but outdoor shoes are not permitted.

Please note that wearing football related clothing is not permitted in our school.

The Primary School formal uniform is shirt, school tie, black trousers/skirt and black shoes.  The formal uniform is used for when children take part in events such as the Mòd.  

Outdoor Wear:

Bearing our weather patterns in mind, it would also be very helpful if pupils could have a change of footwear – one pair for outdoors and one for indoors (this could be their gym shoes).  Suitable clothing for wet weather would also be encouraged. We prefer to think that it’s not the weather that’s wrong, just the wrong kind of clothing for the weather we usually get. We encourage children to go out at break times as much as possible, and we regularly use the wonderful environment around us as a medium for learning. We can do this if they are dressed appropriately. We would also ask you to be aware of the need for sunscreen in those (admittedly not very often) moments when the sun shines. The most effective way of ensuring this is to apply sunscreen at home before your child comes to school.

Please note that school uniform is not compulsory and it is not policy to insist on pupils wearing uniform or having specialist items of clothing in order to engage in all of the activities of the curriculum.  As such, pupils will not be deprived of any educational benefit as a result of not wearing uniform.  

However, there are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which:

All clothing brought to school should be labelled or marked in some way, as it is difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others.

School Clothing Grants

Information on school clothing grants can be found at:

Free school meals and assistance with clothing | Free school meals and assistance with clothing | The Highland Council