Our Vision and Values / Ar Sealladh agus Luchan

Luchan ar sgoile | Our school values

Coibhneas = Kindness

Urram = Respect

Spòrs = Fun

Dìcheallach = Diligence 

Cuideachail = Helpful

Our school values help us all to love learning and achieve success whilst becoming successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributes. 

Òran ar sgoile | Our school song

Our school song was created by our pupils to remind us of our school values and to create a positive school ethos. We sing our school song every week at assembly.


Lèirsinn sgoile | School vision

"Ar n-òigridh ag ionnsachadh aig cridhe ar cànain, ar cultair agus ar coimhearsnachd."

Our young people learning at the heart of our language, culture and community.