Clas 2

Fàilte gu ur duilleag Clas 2!

An teirm seo, chòrd e ri Clas 2 a bhith ag ionnsachadh a-muigh, tro ealain, topaic ' matamataigs.

Se Na Ceudfathan an topaic againn agus thionndaich sinn tòrr mu dheidhinn, le ionnsachadh a-muigh. Chaidh sinn air cuairtean, a làimhseachadh diofar stuthan is lusan. Chleachd sinn air ceudfathan airson coimhead agus èisteachd ri fuaimean. Chòrd e rinn a bhith a'cleachdadh blas feuch diofar biadh fheuchainn. 

Chòrd ealain a-muigh agus matamataigs ri Clas 2 cuideachd. Rinn sinn dealbhan le stuthan a chruinnich sinn, lorg sinn cruthan 3S agus chleachd sinn maidean 's clachan airson cunntas. Rinn sinn pàtran le àireamhan, a cleachdadh cailc. 

Tha torr a bharrachd spòrs is rudan ur ri ionnsachadh ann an Clas 2. Tha sinn a coimhead air adhart ris!

Welcome to our P2's page!

This term P2 enjoyed outdoor learning through Art, topic and maths. 

Our class topic is The Senses and we explored this, through various activities outdoors. We went on senses walks, examining the different textures of plants & objects. We used our senses to observe & listen to sounds. We enjoyed some food tasting experiments & used our taste buds to explore flavours.

P2 also enjoyed creating collage pictures outdoors & various numeracy activities. We had fun on a 3D shape hunt, used sticks & stones for counting & created number sequences, using chalk. 

There's lots more fun & new experiences to be had in P2. We are looking forward to it!

PE - Monday and Wednesday