Rising Voices

About the Artists

The 8th Graders at Murray Ave did not have the chance to make their own Literary Magazine this year, so here are some of their amazing pieces! They deserve to be published and seen, so without further ado:

The year 2020Mia Dubin

“5,4,3,2,1, Happy New Year!”

Smiles light the rooms, kazoos being blown, hugs and kisses of pure joy,

No sense of darkness heading our way,


Just like that fires appear and damage the land down under,

The Mamba himself and his beloved GiGi taken away to heaven too soon,

The world mourns over the life of number 24 and 2,

Rumors of a new lethal virus coming from China,

Little did we know this virus was real,

A worldwide shutdown.

Millions stifling in tears,

Trying to put a smile on their faces which felt nearly impossible,

Kids beaming with joy that school was canceled for several weeks,

Little did they know this was a nightmare,

Covid-19 is declared a national pandemic,

Masks are the new essential item,

Many without jobs, many.

As May 25th arrived, the words, “I can’t breathe” became the march for equal rights.

“We won’t stop until we are equal.” “We won’t stop until we are equal.”

The Black Lives Matter protests take control,

Riots break out like the wildfires in Australia,

Murder Hornets migrate North to the United States,

The Coronavirus statistics rise day by day,

The rising numbers equal less beating hearts,

Many watching their stocks plummet downhill.

Thinking the nightmare was almost over,

but we were only halfway through the devilish year.

Don’t you think this is all ironic?

All of this occurring on a leap year, a presidential election, and two Friday the 13ths,

Joe Biden chooses the first female vice president elect- Kamala Harris,

Millions of little girls celebrating how far they have come,

The Black Panther himself passes due to cancer,

The world cannot take anymore of this.

Flames erupt in the West Coast,

burning many homes, and wildlife,

RBG passes.

The fear was very contagious across the country,

As the year grew crazier and crazier,

it was time to add even more craziness to the bunch.

It was time for the 46th annual presidential election,

Donald Trump versus Joe Biden,

Sectionalism created hatred across the country,

The states cast their votes and either turn blue or red,

Waiting for the results took nearly a week,

The results are in.

Joe Biden and the first female vice president are elected into the White House,

Republicans calling voter fraud,

Anger rises,

Yet, many dance and sing of the freedom of Biden Winning.

The iconic Jeopardy host Alex Trebek sadly passes away,

Doctors, Nurses, and front line workers working day and night,

Hospitals reach their full capacity,

Turning away ambulances,

Kids participating in online school,

Mental Health is fragile,

We all crave a bear hug.

As Covid still gains strength,

Scientist have created vaccines rapidly to heal the world from its pain,

As we all watch the news hoping things will get better,

By the time we know it, it is already New Years Eve again,

Hoping the nightmare will disappear as the new year arrives,

After 366 days of this unprecedented year,

We quietly countdown,

“5,4,3,2,1, Happy New Year.”

I dream a world in which

A person is not judged based on their

Gender, religion, nor sexuality,

But what their opinions are.

I dream a world in which

Cruelty is like a diamond, rare and few people wear it.

I hope to see a world where

No one is judged based on if they are

White, black, or anything else.

I dream a world in which

Rage sleeps peacefully as a dog in the sun.

I dream a world where all is peaceful.

-by Victoria Grinberg

Never Forgotten

By: Emma Aguayo

I dream a world where prejudice stays dormant

Sometimes the silence can be so loud

This world would have minimal discrimination

Minimum because without hate there is no longing for love found

I wish a world where children could thrive

Without seeing tragedies on the news

The next generations are becoming numb

Due to the things that they view

An Earth where peace reigns would be quite a sight

It is what many wish to see

A world where hate remained in the shadows

A submerged evil treasure, without resurfacing

A world of acceptance lies in my thoughts

Ethnicity wouldn't be treated so rotten

Although this may take time and effort

This dream remains, never forgotten.

I dream a world where people are good

Selfishness had fled from their hearts,

And they treat others as they should

Where children and families have no reason to be scared

They just laugh and smile

All without a care

We would all be treated equally

Worries, there would be few

No one would berate you

because you have a different point of view

People would accept you for who you are

No one would hurt your feelings,

No one would go that far

I dream a world where people would understand

Where they would not judge you so quickly

And we would all smile hand in hand

-by Alyssa Gottesman

“I Dream A World” Poem by Angel Plamoottil

I dream a world where all

humans have harmony someday

Where peace will rest on the earth

And love cherishes every way

I dream a world filled with

Care and generosity

Where hate never threatens

We speak honestly

I dream a world when

Emotions fly over the sky

Soaring like a bird

Many may ask why

I dream a world where everyone says

Life is precious, as a jewel

And take care of the land

There will be no duel

Life weighs a ton

But it is bright,

Real bright as the sun

Every person is free

Race doesn’t matter

That is the way it should be

I dream, this world!



A World,

Where the

People will

Stop acting

Like children,

And grow up,

Stop acting like the government controls them,

And man up, grow up, and mask up,

The rest of us should not have to

Live in fear because others

Refuse to take


Take the



-by Jurgen Velihaj

I dream a world where dreams come true

A world where everyone cared and respected each other

I dream a world where people live in peace and harmony

A world where people can live their true self and not have to hide

I dream a world where different religions, different races, and different beliefs can coexist

A world without war or hatred.

I dream a world where people will listen first and not react

A world where instead people can learn from each other

I dream a world where people will share their knowledge and passion

A world where we build each other up instead of tearing each other down

I dream this world.

-by Ellie Rubin

I dream a world

Where I am equal

Not only considered pretty

But handsome

Not only considered gentle

But strong

Just because it is me that is dreaming

Doesn’t mean it isn’t a dream

Just because I stand up

Doesn't mean I should be pushed down further

Just because I don’t look like a Barbie doll

Doesn’t mean I’m ugly

And just because I refuse to work in the kitchen

Doesn’t mean I work any less

I work hard

It’s harder than they think

Climbing a ladder that is 100 feet longer

Digging a hole 100 feet deeper

Just to get to that little prize

Up in the heavens

And in that grave

The first place ribbon

The place on the team

That chance to stand on that podium and say

“I have a dream

You have them too

What if everyone didn’t have a chance to blurt out how they feel

To speak their dream and have people care

But what if I didn’t stand there

Is my dream any less?

Is his dream any more because it is his

And just because it is her dream

Doesn’t mean it’s covered in pink and glitter

It just means that she wants something

She doesn’t have a perfect world

If our world was perfect

Perfect for everyone

There would be no dreams

No wishes

No sadness

No anger

In the end

It doesn’t matter

if you think you’re better than her

Because you are not

She is stronger because of you

Because of the hate

The disappointment

The lies

The disbelief

She cries less

She feels less

each day

She is stronger

My dream

Even if it is less

Is for all people to be equal

My dream is the same as his

But my dream is less important

Because I want it to change how much I am worth

By - a woman

If you have a problem

I don’t care

I dream a world

Where everyone’s respected

No matter race, gender, religion

Only positivity would be reflected

I dream a world

Where you can love who you desire

No one would say a word,

Nothing hateful would transpire

Discrimination would be a myth,

A mere tale of the past

How you dress, speak, and look

Would be ignored at long last

I dream a world

In which no one says boo

To my beliefs, your skin color,

And hatred is seen as taboo

With hate speech and slurs

We would not be bombarded

Where all biases and bigotries

Are entirely disregarded

I dream a world

Where everyone’s accepted

With equal treatment for all,

No one would feel neglected

-by Amanda Usonis