Paris Keegan

About the Artist

Paris Keegan, an LMHS junior, is an involved member of LMHS honor, treble, bass, and concert choir as well as the spring and fall dramas. She also organizes the charity event Notes of Hope in the fall, and she is a Mini-THON captain. Outside of school, Paris started writing songs in the summer of 2019, but she truly fell in love with songwriting during March 2020 quarantine. Recently, while preparing for the LMHS Choir Winter Concert, Paris took a glance back at a song she wrote in March and revamped it to feature it in the concert.

While being stuck at home with the rest of the country, Paris channeled her frustrations into a song, "Quarantune". In this song she expresses her thoughts, feelings, and frustrations from back in March 2020 where all of the Covid craziness we live in now originally began.