1. Reduction in Stress and Burnout

2. Improvement in Emotional Regulation

3. Enhanced Job Satisfaction and Well-being

4. Better Classroom Environment

5. Increased Efficacy in Teaching Practices

6. Increased Positive Teacher - Student Relationships

7. Incorportating Mindfulness into Education

The Impact of Mindfulness on the Brain

Taken from Happy Teachers Change the World

"An increasing number of brain imaging/MRI studies are suggesting that mindfulness meditation reliably and profoundly alters the structure and function of the brain to improve the quality of both thought and feeling. To drastically simplify a highly complex subject, mindfulness meditation appears to reshape some vital neural pathways, increasing the density and complexity of connections in areas associated with cognitive abilities, such as attention, self-awareness, and introspection, and with emotional areas connected with kindness, compassion, and rationality. It decreases activity and growth in those areas involved in anxitey, hotility, owrry, and impulsivity. Athought the most striking changes are obserable in long-term meditators, mindfulness interventions of just a few weeks have shown clear and visible impacts on the brain function and performance.” 

The American  Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA)

The AMRA stands at the forefront of mindfulness research, offering a treasure trove of resources and studies.

Offering an extensive collection of research articles and studies that provide solid evidence on the benefits of mindfulness in education.