On the Lawson Continuum, the strategies within each phase are aligned so that the earliest strategies are on the left and more efficient and complex are on the right. However, as the overall progression is forward from left to right, it is not strictly linear.
Although some students use strategies mentioned on the continuum, they do not necessarily need to develop and apply every strategy to be flexible thinkers. Students will develop different paths towards proficiency in addition, along their own mathematical journey.
Listed below,on the continuum, are strategies shown to be beneficial when working to move students toward more efficient methods. To better understand each strategy, click the name of the strategy on the continuum to open the webpage dedicated to explaining the concept and providing additional information to support teacher learning.
The LKDSB Math Facilitator Team has collated a variety of Think Alouds that can support students to acquire the specific strategy listed, as the chosen questions tend to draw these strategies out. These can be used when creating purposeful instruction opportunities for students as they continue to develop their mathematical skills. Intentional planning, deliberate practice and consolidation of learning will support students as a whole class, or in small group instruction.
Please note: Samples provided fit a range of abilities and grade levels. These samples are by no means an exhaustive list. Teachers will need to use professional judgement when choosing questions that match the abilities of the students they are working with.
Sample Division Think Alouds
You can open each document below by hovering over the top right corner of the image until the arrow appears, at that point you can click to open the document in a separate window.
Early Division - Quotative
Early Division - Partitive
Using Familiar Facts/Multiplying Up
Using Standard Alternative Algorithms
Click the title of the strategy on the continuum below to learn more about the strategy.

These online sessions will feature Heather Wark (Lakehead University) and LKDSB Instructional Coaches digging into Dr. Lawson's developmental math continua.
Multiplication and Division Sessions:
Multiplication & Division 1
Archive of this session: http://lkelempro.blogspot.com/2019/10/math-continuum-multiplication-and.html
Multiplication & Division 2
Archive of this session: http://lkelempro.blogspot.com/2019/11/math-continuum-multiplication-and.html
Multiplication & Division 3
Archive of this session: https://lkelempro.blogspot.com/2019/11/math-continuum-multiplication-and_14.html