Evaluating Process

In-Class Work

Use your class to do the work because it enables you to not have at-home completion to worry about.

Off-Campus Shooting

Your scripts and storyboard must grow to acknowledge real-time location restrictions. This is a class where we transform writing into on-screen content. If you do not learn this process, you have not given yourself the chance to stretch your abilities.

Table Reads

This is a collaborative class. You can select a certain team and host regular table reads at your discretion. And you can partner with someone for a quarter and wait for assigned table read days. Having options and establishing your own rhythm to get FEEDBACK is a wonderful gift to you and your audience.


Watch the dates and communicate life and school pressure to me. I will help you with your process. Know that I can only help you when you talk to me, email me, or ask for a 1:1 meeting to prepare for a late assignment.

What reflects high-quality work?

Electing to this course signals that you want to test your knowledge, explore the medium of filmmaking, and work with others. How can you demonstrate these basic intentions on a daily basis? How can your create habits that make the class a fun and safe learning environment?

Risk-taking Over Failure

Risk-taking is a great way to prevent a lack of effort in filmmaking. If you can convince yourself to try, then you can make some amazing things happen. The goal is for your to rise to the challenge and find the support needed to learn the art of filmmaking.

It's a daily choice.

Think it through. Make daily decisions to connect with the filmmaking community. And ask for help when you see that a challenge is preventing your from want to make art in your style and through your words.