Educator Training

Prepare your students for success as digital learners, leaders, and citizens, and create a road map for teaching digital citizenship in your classroom. In this one-hour interactive training, you'll learn the six core concepts of digital citizenship and explore how you can integrate Common Sense's curricular lessons into your classroom. Educators who complete this course will earn a certificate of completion. The training also counts toward earning the Common Sense Educator badge.

Note: You will need to create a free account with using your email account. 

Upon completion, you will receive an email from Common Sense Education. Forward that email to to earn 1 tech store point.


directions for earning 1 tech store point after completing this training from common sense education

Using technology well and understanding how online actions affect self and others are foundational skills. These skills are necessary to understand the importance of teaching digital citizenship in today's educational environments.

In this one-hour module from Microsoft Education, you will define digital citizenship, list five statements to support teaching digital citizenship through a positive lens, and identify ways to integrate digital citizenship skills into lessons and activities.

Note: You will need to use your email credentials to save your progress and view your certificate of completion. 

At the end of the module you will see a page congratulating you on your achievement. DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW. Take a screenshot of your achievement and email that image to You will earn 1 tech store point upon completion.

ISTE Educator Standards for Digital Citizenship

2.3 Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world. 


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