staff cybersecurity Resources and Tips

Google has identified more than 2 million phishing websites in just the first six weeks of 2022 alone. *

The education sector has the most recorded malware attacks. 61% of malware incidents during a one month span occurred in education. **

General Cybersecurity Tips and How to Browse Wisely

Staff Email safety tips

A network is only as good as its users. We all have a responsibility to keep our network safe. In the current international environment, there are many people using emails for fraudulent purposes.

Phishing Emails

Can you spot when you're being phished? 

Do you have poor password hygiene?

passwords video - cybersecurity training.mp4

Why should teachers vet resources and sites?

Excerpt from: Approaches to Vetting: Using Reliable Providers, DIY, or Model for Students***

Vetting....ensures students are learning from accurate, verifiable materials. 

The ability to ask questions about sources, bias, and context are....essential skills for thriving in the modern world.

Rely on reputable companies and organizations like Newsela and The National Archives. 

Vet resources for yourself, using a rigorous process that relies on sourcing, contextualizing, and corroborating. This opens up opportunities to model the process for students, and perhaps even to scaffold their own learning of the same skills. It is empowering for students to learn to vet resources for themselves. 

Remember to watch any internet video before displaying it in class or sharing with students. Here's how you can share and watch YouTube videos without ads.

Some websites and resources provided by the parish may have links to other less reputable resources. Be cautious about allowing students to explore a website you do not know a lot about. It could lead down a rabbit hole.

interested in learning more about cybersecurity and digital citizenship?

Check out our website for online, self-paced trainings and challenges.