Identity Theft

Identity Theft is when a malicious individual steals your identity in order to gain benefits and credit in your name without your permission. They may have your social security number, drivers license number, personal information such as your address, birthdate, medical information, and bank account or credit card information. This information may have been obtained through a data breach of a website or company that has your information in a database that was compromised or through malicious software or phishing emails that you may have inadvertently clicked on.

Identity Theft can negatively impact your privacy and credit ratings and is time-consuming and difficult to resolve. Be aware of identity theft by following the tips from this article by the Federal Trade Commission:

Child Identity Theft

Adults are no longer the only victims of identity theft. Child Identity Theft has grown over the past few years because a child’s identity can be used for years before it may be uncovered. It may not be discovered until a child gets their first job or applies for a college loan. Be aware of child identity theft by following this advice from the Federal Trade Commission:

  1. Warning Signs

  2. Check for a Credit Report

  3. Repair the Damage

  4. Prevention = Protection

  5. Limit the Risk of Child Identity Theft

  6. What you can do When Your Child Turns 16

Child Identity Theft from the Federal Trade Commission - article with a description of the tips listed above.

Tips for Protecting Kids & Teens from Identity Theft from Connect Safely

The Simplest Way to Freeze Your Child’s Credit