LIT 2023-2024

Purpose of this Site

Program Success Measures

HS Program: 100% 4-year college acceptance 

Postsecondary Program:

Alumni Program:

LIT Member Expectations Contract

Year 1-4 HS Program

1. Contract: Review LIT Member Expectations (this list) and Contract (document provided first day of program, if you need another copy download/print here) by yourself once and with parents for a second time. Translate for parents if needed. Return signed contract by your 2nd LIT session to continue in the program. Turn in the hard copy at the attendance check-in desk at the front or give to you Program Manager.
2. Attendance: Add all program dates and times to your calendar (located here). If you will miss a session or event, contact your Program Manager ASAP and arrange a make-up session or event. If it's an emergency and you inform your Program Manager with less than 24 hours notice you must arrange 2 make-up sessions or events within the month you missed. If you no call no show, you must arrange 2 make-up sessions or events within the month you missed and 2 no-calls no shows within a semester is automatic removal from program. *This includes regular session attendance reflected on the calendar and #6 Monthly Events below. For example, if you have a no-call no-show to a session and a no-call no-show to an event, you cannot continue for the rest of the semester because that equals 2. We want you to succeed in LIT, but we also want to prepare you for the real-world. Know what you are committing to and if something comes up, communicate and make it up and you will be fine and be practicing your advocacy core value.
3. Grades: You must check and turn in your grades bi-weekly (check the calendar). Students will be automatically removed from program if they have 3 total grade misses or 5 late grade turn-ins within a semester. All grade turn-in surveys are linked on your cohort's announcements page. Our theory on grades is that it's up to you to advocate for yourself and improve. We help create a system where you are accountable to both looking at them, turning them in and then doing something about it. If you are struggling and need support from a tutor to an instructional supply, let your Program Manager know. It's your job to advocate to your teachers so they know who you are, that you are trying and use all strategies from staying after school/before school, getting extra work, making up assignments, etc to fix your mistakes. Students with Ds or Fs in core courses are REQUIRED to take summer school and get the fee waiver from their school. LIT will pay for summer school only if a student's fee waiver has been denied from the school. We all review grade turn-ins at parent meetings so your parents know your progress and lying on grade turn-in only hurts yourself since this is an optional program. If you choose to lie at an optional program, our group is not for you.
4. Communication: CHECK SLACK DAILY to make sure you have the most up to date info! If you OR your parent(s)/guardian(s) change your phone number, address or email address, re-submit the new student survey ASAP so we have your correct contact information. This will be your responsibility to keep LIT updated on how to communicate with you and your parents:
5. Member Standing: If students are in danger of being asked to leave for the semester (event attendance, grade turn-in), your Program Manager will communicate to you and your parents so you can make sure you stay in good standing if you choose. Any student asked to leave LIT will have 1 chance to join back the following semester (just arrange a meeting with your Program Manager to discuss how you will improve and why you want to return). Once students have quit or have been asked to leave the program 2 times they may not come back. Serious infractions such as violence or direct defiance of a specific direction or expectation that could cause harm to self or others will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and could result in automatic dismissal. LIT is not a school, we are a free after school program that empowers the next-generation of community leaders. We choose to be here and you choose to be here. If LIT culture or program does not work for you, you may leave at any time.
6. Monthly Events: When you RSVP for the event, you must attend. Program Managers will add you to the event text at least 4 days prior to the event with all logistics & create a parent text at least 2 days prior to the event. All transportation will be arranged and confirmed at least 2 days prior to the event. Snacks and water will be available at all events as well as transportation to and from the event from the office if needed-- make sure you communicate this. Attendance expectations on #2 apply to monthly events. If you will miss an event, contact your Program Manager ASAP and arrange a make-up session or event. If it's an emergency and you inform your Program Manager with less than 24 hours notice you must arrange 2 make-up sessions or events within the month you missed. If you no call no show, you must arrange 2 make-up sessions or events within the month you missed and 2 no-calls no shows within a semester is automatic removal from program. 
7. New Students: Students can sign up to join LIT at any time at Staff will review the survey every 2 weeks. New students must attend a new student orientation via zoom to make sure they understand all requirements and do want to join. Students will be invited to the next cohort meeting after attending orientation. Students and parents will not be added to group texts until 2 consecutive session attendances. Students are considered "official" members after a full semester of programming.
8. Parents: We do this work with you, not to you. Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are integral to our work. Your parents must know what LIT is, what your expectations are and that your whole family is part of LIT. All parents will be on a group text message with your Program Manager & the LIT phone. Parents must attend bi-monthly parent meetings, which will be by cohort this fall ex)All C6 parents only at a meeting, all C7 parents at meeting only, etc in order to more easily social distance. ALL fall dates are located on the calendar here. We highly encourage ALL parents to be at the meetings (and typically have a 90%+ attendance rate), but we do understand work schedules, etc. Students do attend the meetings with parents. If parents do not attend, but students attend that will count for attendance. If students and parents miss the meeting, they owe a make-up meeting together to be completed by the end of that month. Attendance rules in #2 also apply to parent meetings.
9. Safety: Do NOT attend in-person events or program sessions if you do not feel well or if someone in your household does not feel well. LIT will follow all CDC safety guidelines including wearing masks, sanitizing procedures and distancing. Additionally, we create an inclusive climate. We will use names, gender pronouns, etc of your choice. We don't know unless you tell us. Do not be afraid to be yourself!
10. Retreat & Orientation: There is a one-day Retreat and Orientation prior to every school year in-person to connect/re-connect with your cohort & make sure you understand the expectations of your program year. By attending these annually, you automatically renew as a continuing LIT member. IF YOU ARE A CURRENT STUDENT AND WANT A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND TO JOIN, do not just bring them to program like we have allowed in the past. In order to make sure potential members fully understand our program before experiencing it, they must attend a 30-min zoom call. To be invited to a 30-min zoom call, students must complete the new student orientation survey: The survey will be reviewed every 2 weeks.
11. Professional Expectations: You are already a leader. Our job is to help bring out these leadership skills inside of you. We practice professional expectations at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: dress appropriately (no crop tops), shake hands when meeting someone (for now elbow pump), look someone in the eye when speaking/listening, do not be on your phone during program, do not curse & if you do pay in the swear jar, follow up with appropriate respond time including calls, texts, etc, refer to Program Staff by their full names not "Ms." etc. Remember you represent you, your family, your community and LIT as a member at all times. You have to code switch to be a professional at LIT at all times-- your identity at home is correct and you should not have to code switch and change, but until we change perception of what people think of BIPOC individuals from our community, nothing will ever change. The power to change inequity is in your hands.
12. Summer Program: All students will participate in a summer leadership activity. If you have your own internship, camp, etc you will be applying for and are accepted to, that can count towards your LIT summer requirement. LIT will provide all transportation during your chosen summer activity and it's on you to be accountable to the differentiated summer program schedule. Students with Ds or Fs in core courses must complete a summer leadership activity AND required summer school. For more summer school expectations see #3 above. If you do not participate in a summer leadership activity, you cannot continue in LIT during the fall semester. If you do not take a required summer school course or re-schedule it in your school day the following year, you cannot continue in LIT during the fall semester.
13. Annual Events: Required annual events for the HS Program typically include: retreat, orientation, holiday party, out-of-state college tour, Senior Scholarship Celebration and Summer Send Off for graduating seniors. Additionally, there is an optional bi-annual UNR/Carson City trip and 12th grade Senior Trip. Required events for Postsecondary & Alumni students are located on the site. If you miss any of the annual events, you owe 3 event make-ups to be scheduled with your Program Manager. You cannot miss the same annual event more than once in high school. For example, if you missed the retreat in 10th grade you cannot miss it in 11th or 12th grade or you cannot continue in the program. Questions on attendance, see #2 above.
14. Self Assessments: As we both hope to grow in improvement in our program and expansion to help more students, LIT students will be completing many more self assessments than historically. These self assessments are important to measure growth over time of your leadership skills while being in our program. Answer these truthfully and to the best of your ability. Know data will be kept to show how LIT has helped you over time or helped students in general over time and/or where we must improve to become a better program to hit our goals and help our community. 
15. Harassment or Abuse: At LIT we take harassment and abuse seriously and it will not be tolerated. If you feel you have been a victim of harassment or abuse by a peer, a staff member, a volunteer or any other person you come in contact with at LIT, fill out this incident report form ASAP. If you feel you have witnessed harassment or abuse by a peer, a staff member, a volunteer or any person any LIT member has come into contact with because of LIT, fill out this incident report form ASAP. Staff members will also use this report to document violence or harm against self at program. LIT will conduct a confidential investigation regarding all tips and following state mandating reporting laws. If the incident includes a complaint against LIT's Executive Director, LIT's Board of Director Executive Committee will investigate the incident. LIT does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations and is an equal opportunity employer. Incident report link: For LIT's Full Policies on Harassment or Abuse & the full incident report guidelines, please view here. ALL LIT VOLUNTEERS & STAFF MUST READ & SIGN AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DOCUMENT BEFORE WORKING WITH STUDENTS. Please note, all LIT staff members & adult volunteers are subject to a background check prior to being employed or volunteering for LIT. All LIT Adult Volunteers & Staff Members must complete the following to work with students:
16. LIT Culture: At LIT we push you on person to be the best version if yourself you can be. This includes incredibly high expectations as well as always holding a mirror up to your decisions and choices and discussing with you how you think you could have improved if necessary. We are highly disciplined, accountable and honor and recognize systemic racism and structural inequities in our society. We are a social justice group. We discuss issues from why Black Lives Matters is important, why we must change laws to support undocumented individuals to what it feels like to be from a marginalized or oppressed  group to white supremacist culture and how to be a white ally. After almost a decade of this work, we know that LIT programming works. Our goal is to show you you are a leader and help you develop a critical consciousness of how you look at the world. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we believe this is a sign of learning and progress. LIT is unlike any school program or club you've experienced before, we ask you to keep an open mind and open heart to what we are trying to accomplish and remind you that we are a free and optional program, so you may leave at any time. We are only as good as our membership and thank you for bringing your best version and sharing that with us.
17. Transportation: LIT is a community group-- we will help you problem solve a solution to make sure you can come to program. By signing the contract your parent(s)/guardian(s) give permission for you to be transported by LIT and agrees to hold harmless unforeseen incidents of harm or death in LIT transportation of students. Students are never to be transported alone (without an additional student(s)) with a LIT volunteer or staff member unless written and signed consent from parent(s)/guardian(s). LIT can also offer ride share gift cards, public transportation passes, etc and parent(s)/guardian(s) understand is not responsible for actions that occur during transport and all students have all options to get their own transportation to/from events. Parents(s)/guardian(s) can also serve as volunteers for the program by going to through the regular Adult Volunteer procedure see #15 above.
18. Program Summary: Please refer to your annual semester check-in list for exact dates and programming requirements, but these are at a glance requirements you are signing up for by being a LIT member:
-9th: 24 after school sessions annually, 8 monthly events, 1 annual retreat, 1 annual orientation, 1 annual holiday party, 1 annual Senior Scholarship Celebration, 1 summer internship, 7 grade turn-ins, 4 surveys, 4 parent meetings
-10th: 10 after school internship sessions, 8 monthly events, 1 annual retreat, 1 annual orientation, 1 annual holiday party, 1 annual Senior Scholarship Celebration, 1 summer internship, 7 grade turn-ins, 4 surveys, 4 parent meetings
-11th: 24 after school sessions annually, 1 annual retreat, 1 annual orientation, 1 annual holiday party, 1 annual Senior Scholarship Celebration, 1 summer internship, 7 grade turn-ins, 4 surveys, 4 parent meetings, Vision for Social Justice Project & College Application work items
-12th: 24 after school sessions annually, 1 annual retreat, 1 annual orientation, 1 annual holiday party, 1 annual Senior Scholarship Celebration, 1 Summer Send Off, 7 grade turn-ins, 4 surveys, 4 parent meetings, College Application & Matriculation work items, optional Senior Trip

Year 5-8 Postsecondary Program

1. Stay in Communication: Read the LIT Slack, read this site for LIT updates, read the announcements on the Postsecondary tab & communicate if you are having a problem, an issue and or are not on track with your long-term goals. We can't help you if we don't know you need help. Respond to surveys, emails, calls, texts and requests in a timely manner. We are trying to respect your adulthood and respond to feedback by moving to SLACK-- it won't work if you don't use it!
2. Complete Mandatory Requirements: We gave to you for 4 years, now it's your turn to give to your younger peers, each other and your community. Your requirements: annual zoom, 2 professional development workshops, once a semester check-in with Postsecondary Program Manager, once a semester holiday & graduation parties and once a semester volunteering/event. If you are an upperclassman, you will attend 2 career fairs to help you get a job and get individualized coaching sessions from career coaches. Our job is to ensure you land a strong first job upon graduating from college, trade school, a certificate program or if transitioning out of the military. We will collect transcripts, data evaluation feedback and other items. You are still a full LIT member 4 years out of high school, practice all the leadership skills you learned from us and be an engaged member in good standing.
3. Representation: You are always a LIT member. Remember this with all your choices, decisions, etc and make sure you are representing yourself, your family, your community and our membership well.

Alumni Program

1. Stay in Communication: Read the LIT Slack, read this site for LIT updates, read the announcements on the Postsecondary tab & communicate if you are having a problem, an issue and or are not on track with your long-term goals. We can't help you if we don't know you need help. Respond to surveys, emails, calls, texts and requests in a timely manner. We are trying to respect your adulthood and respond to feedback by moving to SLACK-- it won't work if you don't use it! We still are here to help you become the best leader you can become even if you are an adult now!
2. Complete Mandatory Requirements: Now is YOUR turn to be a diverse leaders who changes the world. Attend your annual events, pay your alumni dues and complete mandatory annual survey. As an Alumni, program is varied, differentiated and is obviously much less of a time commitment now that you are an adult. However, you are still in our program #lifelong and we need you to participate when asked. 
3. Representation: You are always a LIT member. Remember this with all your choices, decisions, etc and make sure you are representing yourself, your family, your community and our membership well. We are proud of you and THANK YOU for being the proofpoint that allows us to have a HS and a Postsecondary Program as well as expand both state-wide and nationally. We can only do it because of YOU-- much gratitude.

All communication is now on SLACK! 


For information on jobs, internships, scholarships, resources and for upcoming events. All program communication between students and staff members is now on slack. LIT number for emergencies: 702.449.0703. Contact your Program Manager via SLACK. 

Need help? Going through a hard time or have a problem you aren't sure how to handle? Let us know!!

We want to make sure that every Leader has the support they need. If you are having a hard time, need to talk or find help, please let us know. If you ever have an issue or something uncomfortable happen with another Leader, a volunteer, staff member, or anyone in your life, we can help give you support, but only if you let us know. Please reach out! You can let us know about something with your contact information to get in touch, or anonymously using this form

Message from our Executive Director, Mr. Dominguez (he/him)

Hello Leaders! Welcome back to another year of honing your leadership skills and learning more about the opportunities for you to engage and tackle inequities that exist in our communities! I'm excited about what's in store this year as we grow into our 11th year and welcoming Cohort 12 to our program! 

As always, my door is open should you want to chat, give suggestions or even just to share more about yourself! I'm always happy to support in any way I can and look forward to working with you and your family on your postsecondary journey!!

"Lift as you climb!!" 

Regular communication: msg on slack

Emergencies: text or call 702.449.0703