
Veronica Gomez


Being a mentee to Laura was awesome, I really appreciated her for being such a huge role model to me. She was the reason why I decided to join El Espejo E-board. Her advice, support, and guidance really made my freshman year a lot better because she reassured me that I was going to be okay and that she was one text away if I ever needed anything. I love her!

Tiana Lockett


As a first-year student, it is easy to feel out of the loop, but having Nicole as my mentor was the guide I needed. With similar career aspirations, she pointed me to helpful resources, and I am forever appreciative.

Brenda Hernandez


Christian and I met my sophomore year at LMU, and we instantly connected! We’re both from the same hometown, Hawthorne, CA, both commuter students, and we both started as Econ majors! There were just too many similarities for me to not be his mentor! Through FTG’s mentorship program I was able to bond with someone I really connected with and could help him foster a stronger connection to LMU.

Jordan Pace


I had such an amazing experience with the peer-mentor program because not only did my co-mentor, mentee, and I build such a great family relationship that both sides could learn from, but also because I felt so proud to get connected with such an amazing pair of students. I am filled with joy that we go straight to each other with good news and can support each other when we need that extra help. I wouldn’t change my experience for the world!

Guillermo "Memo" Gonzalez

Co-Mentor & Mentee:

Being a mentee to Daniel was one of the best experiences I have gotten from First To Go. We got to join El Grupo Folklorico de LMU together, something we would not have done separately but ended up joining together. Being a co-mentor with Jordan Pace was an enriching experience since I got to form a friendship with both Jordan and Leonardo Dominguez (our Mentee) individually and collectively.

Emil Sol

Mentor & Co-Mentee

In the beginning of my freshman year at LMU, I was assigned a peer mentor, and I am grateful for having that support early on in my LMU career. My mentor and I became really good friends, and that inspired me to become a mentor last year. Being a mentor to 2 scholars has taught me some very important lessons. The main lesson that I've learned as a mentor is that you may think that mentorship only involves you teaching your mentees what you know, but in reality your mentees can teach you a lot that you never expected to know.