Program Requirements

For Mentors:

Fill Out Mentor Form

Congratulations! If you are reading this, you have already completed the first requirement. We hope the form was easy to fill out. Feel free to send us any feedback about the sign up form.

Attend the Mentor/Mentee Reveal Social

As of now, we currently have Saturday November 14 from 11:00 am-12:00pm as the date and time for our Mentor/Mentee Reveal Social. If you are unable to make it to the reveal social, please contact one of the Co-Coordinators as soon as possible. We will also think of alternatives for those that cannot make it to the social.

Fill out Check-In forms

Once a month, the Co-Coordinators will send out a check-in form to mentors and mentees to make sure things are going well with the pairings. These forms will be quick and easy and not time consuming. If you encounter any problems or issues with your mentee, this will be the form to mention anything. We will send the first one a few weeks after the reveal social.

Asynchronous Training

Given the current circumstances that we are living in, we wanted to provide an asynchronous alternative to having a mentor training session. The training is really quite simple, we only ask that you read through and become familiar with the other requirements.

Maintain Constant Communication With Mentor(s)

We ask that you try to communicate with your mentor at least twice a month. This can be using any medium such as Texting, Zoom Calls, FaceTime, Phone Calls, GroupMe, etc.

For Mentees:

Fill Out Mentee Form

Congratulations! If you are reading this, you have already completed the first requirement. We hope the form was easy to fill out. Feel free to send us any feedback about the sign up form.

Attend the Mentor/Mentee Reveal Social

As of now, we currently have Saturday November 14 from 11:00 am-12:00pm as the date and time for our Mentor/Mentee Reveal Social. If you are unable to make it to the reveal social, please contact one of the Co-Coordinators as soon as possible. We will also think of alternatives for those that cannot make it to the social.

Fill out Check-In forms

Once a month, the Co-Coordinators will send out a check-in form to mentors and mentees to make sure things are going well with the pairings. These forms will be quick and easy and not time consuming. If you encounter any problems or issues with your mentee, this will be the form to mention anything. We will send the first one a few weeks after the reveal social.

Asynchronous Training

Given the current circumstances that we are living in, we wanted to provide an asynchronous alternative to having a mentee training session. The training is really quite simple, we only ask that you read through and become familiar with the other requirements.

Maintain Constant Communication With Mentee(s)

We ask that you try to communicate with your mentee at least twice a month. This can be using any medium such as Texting, Zoom Calls, FaceTime, Phone Calls, GroupMe, etc.