Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to call the Albany Police Dept...

“I think we should call the police,” you exclaim, “there's no way that we could do this without a lot more help.” Cliff nods in agreement, reaches for the phone, and dials 911. After a moment, Cliff speaks to an officer, and then hands the phone to you to inform them of what had transpired that evening so far, and then you give the phone back to Cliff. The officer confirms that they will be sending a few units over to assist.

After roughly five minutes, you hear a roar of sirens charging down Pacific Blvd. Cliff and you walk outside to the parking lot to greet the small swarm of incoming police cars. They all pull up in front of the Activity Center in various strategic positions. Cliff makes your presence known to the officers as they exit their vehicles. After they ask you a few more questions to clarify more details on the situation, they escort you off to the side so they can do their jobs. After a few minutes of conversing with each other, the police draw their weapons and take their positions around the building. They enter the building with one accord.

After mere seconds, you jump at the sound of gunshots coming from the Activity Center, followed by a great deal of yelling, none of which is understandable at your distance your standing. Then there is a moment of silence, and you are relieved that the evening is finally over. Suddenly the giant bird bursts through the gym door, terrified and squawking loudly. It turns to run north down West Way, but the police quickly cut it off its escape route as they pour out of the building.

The creature moves with incredible speed and grace as it effortlessly moves across the grass directly towards you. Before the bird reaches the police vehicle you are standing behind, it swerves to the left and dashes across the parking lot towards Pacific Blvd. The police officers bark orders at each other as they quickly re-enter their vehicles and race after the bird. One officer takes a moment to tell you to go home for the night and thanks you for livening up the evening before jumping into the vehicle your next to and joining his fellow officers in the pursuit.

Cliff tells you to go home and let the police handle it from here, and then heads back to the office. Unsatisfied with how things turned out, you get back to your vehicle and head home. You can still hear sirens in the distance as you exit the parking lot.

A few months later, there remains to be a blurry mugshot on a wanted poster of Rocky the Roadrunner on the bulletin board inside the APD.


(This doesn't have to be the end. Try the story again from the beginning, or go back one step to alter your choice!)