Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

Have you ever read a story that made you stop, think, and say that you would have done things differently? Well, now is your chance!

Make crucial choices! Discover multiple endings! Every decision can result in unforeseen consequences both good and bad! Can you make it to the very end?! Let's find out!

It is the end of the workday on Friday, and you receive a last minute urgent email from Jennifer Bohmer in your inbox. Flustered from the long work day you already had, you open it and read a short but concise message asking you to offer any assistance you can with a special project at 7 pm the next day, Saturday, at the main campus. She mentions that it is important for the fewest number of employees be present on the campus while this “special project” gets off the ground, and is part of LBCC's Marketing team's new re-branding initiative. It is imperative that you're not late arriving to the gym inside the Activity Center. You respond, “I'm happy to be of assistance. Be there on Saturday.” Then you go home for a restful evening.