Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

In the beginning...

It is roughly ten minutes before 7pm. Being called in on a Saturday evening has left a number of choice parking spaces to select from, so you park your vehicle in the parking lot near the Activity Center. The air is cold and damp as you exit the vehicle and walk briskly to the east entrance of the gym, hoping to get whatever this is about over with quickly so you can enjoy your weekend.

As you near the door, it sounds like a game might be happening inside. There's actually quite a raucous coming from beyond the door. “What in the world?!,” you mutter to yourself, and open the gym door. You find yourself frozen in place with astonishment by the scene that has just graced your eyes. Not 20 feet in front of you is an enormous 7 ft. tall roadrunner, complete with bluish feathers on most of its body and a yellow-whitish tummy, screeching with terror and panic as it towers over the three men trying to wrestle it by force back into what remains of its cage. You recognize Andrew from marketing, Mark from athletics, and someone in a lab coat with OHSU embroidered in large letters across the front of it. You find yourself nearly as panicked as the large bird is, and reach for the handle to the exit behind you.

No sooner do you reach for the handle, than the bird finally overpowers the men trying in vain to bring it under control. The giant roadrunner digs its large talons into the polished floorboards and charges in the direction of the concession stands. All three men are grasping onto the ropes and being dragged across the gym in that same direction, when they suddenly come into full contact with an unforgivingly hard gym wall and are knocked out cold in a heap. It is then that you notice the bird is wearing a large jersey numbered 77 on the back. “How unusual,” you think, but you don't have time to mull it over as the bird squawks with delight over its victory, then slowly turns its head to look you straight in the eyes.

You are frozen in fear, unable to open the door, unable to breath, unable to do much of anything but stare back into those same black eyes...but nothing happens. The bird seems uninterested in you, turns away, and pushes open the gym door on the other side of the room to enter the long hallway. You can hear the sound of its talons scraping the tile floor slowly fade into a whisper, but not entirely disappear.

Catching your breath, you stumble your way to the bleachers to let what just happened sink in. Taking several deep breaths to keep your heart from leaping out of your chest, you slowly lean back into the bleachers. hits you: You're the only one left! If only you had been here even earlier! If only...If only...What are you going to do now?!

Make your choice!