Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to call public safety...

“I think I need help with this. If three men can't wrangle this giant bird thing into submission, then what chance do I have all on my own?,” you say to yourself, “I'll call public safety, and maybe they can help me. Now where can I find a phone around here?” Remembering that the bird went into the long hallway, you decide not to go that way first and instead head into the lobby area with the concessions. Not surprisingly, everything is locked down, and there aren't any phones in sight. You hang your head in you have no choice but to go into the hallway to hunt down a phone.

Quietly, you tiptoe through the gym to the door that the bird used going into the hallway. The sound of the door latch startles you slightly as you do your best to open it and peer down the hallway without drawing attention to yourself. Nothing. “Whew.” As you look down the hallway, you spot a security phone next to the weight room close to you. You grin that you finally found a security phone, but that doesn't make you feel any better about exposing yourself in the middle of a long hallway. It doesn't matter, you have to get help. You step out the door, close it silently, and slide down the wall towards the phone. Upon reaching it, you remove the phone from its cradle, place it to your ear, and call the public safety office.

“Public safety, this is Cliff,” Cliff answers on the other end. “Yes, I need help, right now,” you mutter just louder than a whisper and explain everything that had transpired up to that point. After a mild explosive reaction from Cliff about not being informed about anything like what you just described, he asks, “Are you still in the Activity Center?” “Yes.” “What phone are you using?” “I'm at the one in the hallway between the gymnasium doors.” “Okay, you have two shelter in place locations next to you, the weight room and the aerobics room, choose one and then stay there and I will be there in a moment.” The weight room door is right next to you, so you tell Cliff that is where you'll be. After hanging up, you quickly enter the weight room and sit on a bench to wait for Cliff.

After only a minute, Cliff tenderly opens the weight room door, spots you, and asks, “Are you alright?” “Yes,” you reply, “for now.” Cliff closes the door, takes a seat on the bench next to you, and asks, “I found the three unconscious men in the gym and put them under the bleachers for their own safety. What precisely are we dealing with here?” “I haven't the faintest clue, Cliff...all I know is that so far, it is still in the building.” Cliff takes a deep breath and runs his fingers over his head. He seems both stressed and exasperated. “And I thought tonight was going to be uneventful,” Cliff mutters to himself, stands up, and looks around the room.

“We need to leave the building, return to my office, and call the police,” Cliff says with authority. “We can also call in someone else, if there is anyone else here,” you suggest. Cliff scratches his chin for a moment, “I can call Adam off of patrol and have him give us a helping hand.” You nod in agreement. “Okay,” Cliff says, turning towards and looking straight at you, “what do you think is our best course of action here?” You ponder for a moment.

Make your choice!