Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to call Adam in for assistance...

“I think we should bring Adam into this because we need more hands on deck in this situation,” you say. “I couldn't agree more,” replies Cliff, and reaches for his walkie-talkie. He tries to reach Adam, but there is no reply, in fact, there isn't any sound at all. “What's wrong with this thing?,” says Cliff, examining the device. Then it dawns on him that he took the walkie-talkie that needed the battery replaced instead of the one off the charging station. “Well, that was brilliant,” remarks Cliff, “I guess things happen when you're in a hurry!” He scoffs at himself and then looks at you. You look back at him. “We'll have to use the phone in the hallway again to see if we can reach Adam. I have a pretty good idea of where he is right now. Not precisely, but a good idea where,” Cliff says confidently.

Cliff opens the door and places his head next to the door-frame to peer down the hallway with one eye. Nothing's there. “Let's go,” Cliff says, motioning you through the door behind him. Both of you slide down the wall to the security phone. Cliff takes a moment to ponder the numbers of the offices he needs to dial on Adam's route. He dials one number after another, letting each one ring several times, but Adam isn't picking up the phone. “I wish my walkie-talkie worked, that would make this a whole lot easier,” Cliff complains. “Well, if all you need is a replacement battery, do you think we'd find one in this building?,” you inquire. Cliff stops, puts the phone back on the cradle, and thinks for a moment. “If there was one, we would probably find it in the offices.” “Let's go there now,” you respond.

Cliff leads as you both continue down the hallway as quietly as possible and make a right turn into another hallway. One your left, you see the door that leads into the offices, and both you and Cliff push yourselves against the wall outside the door while opening it to prevent being noticed immediately by anything that might be inside. “Okay, I'll go through first and start checking the offices, there's no need for you to come with me. You should just use that exit there and wait outside for Adam. I won't take me long to find a battery and call him,” says Cliff. You look at Cliff, saying, “or you can just come outside with me, and...”

In a flash of an instant, the bird thrusts itself into the office door from the inside, launching Cliff into the wall on the other side of the hallway and knocking him unconscious. You scream in terror, turn tail, and turn right to run down the hallway. “I went the wrong direction,” you say to yourself frantically, “the gym is back THAT WAY!” You run to the end of the hall, and consider for a moment going out the north exit, but you want to keep the bird contained inside the building, so instead you dodge to your right, which takes you back to the offices. “Oh no, I'm back where I started,” you mutter under your breath. The bird is hot on your heels as you spring into a nearby office space to hide under the desk. The bird knows you're in there and is craning its neck in every direction trying to locate you. It's only a matter of time before it finds you, and you know it. You want to make it back to the gym, but there isn't any possible way to slip past the bird unnoticed at this point.

You slip deeper under the desk to consider your options, which seem to be dwindling at a rapid pace.

Make your choice!