Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to try to sneak out and find help...

You tighten your grip on the baseball bat, but come to the quick realization that if three people couldn't capture this thing, what chance do you have alone? “I need help,” you mutter quietly to yourself, “there's at least some safety in numbers.” Quietly you step towards the exit door to your left, and ever so tenderly open it and slip out. As you are closing the door, you peer through the crack to see if your actions were noticed, but the coast's all clear. You breathe a sigh of relief, and then shiver a little as the cold night air envelops you.

You can see your breath as you cross West Way and go up the steps to Red Cedar Hall. You stop mid-step. “Wait a second...the public safety team should be here. Maybe they can help me out.” You turn right into RCH and make your way to the Public Safety Office. “Please let someone be here. Please let someone be here.” Moments later, you find the office, but it's currently unoccupied. Your heart sinks, but nonetheless, you enter the room, take a seat, and catch your breath. You lean back into the chair to begin contemplating what you should do next, when Cliff Carpentier comes in. Surprised, Cliff nearly spills his coffee on his shirt. “Hi there, can I help you?,” Cliff exclaims as he gathers himself together, still standing near the door.

Tremendous relief caresses you as you realize that you are no longer in this alone. You take the time to recount everything that had transpired that evening to Cliff. Cliff takes a seat, “ you sure it's still trapped in the Activity Center?” You nod your head quietly. Cliff leans out of his chair towards you, “I think we should call the police. What's your opinion?”

Make your choice!