Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to capture the bird together with Cliff...

“I think we can handle this ourselves. How hard can it be if we work together?,” you say with confidence, “and we'll be heroes.” Cliff raises an eyebrow and cracks a smile. “Ok, but I think we need more help,” and he picks up a walkie talkie to contact Adam Weaver, who is currently patrolling the grounds, back to the office for a 'special assignment.' Cliff doesn't divulge any details of the situation during the conversation. After a few minutes, Adam strolls into the office and is briefed on the situation. “I don't like this. I am very uncomfortable with the idea of charging in to grab this thing and trying to wrestle it into submission without even knowing what it is for certain,” Adam exclaims, taking a seat next to Cliff. “We need a plan,” Cliff and Adam say in unison.

“Where did this thing even come from?,” Adam asks. “Good question...I don't you?,” Cliff says, glancing in your direction. You explain that you came there that evening because of an email you received from Jennifer Bohmer, and then reiterate that Andrew from marketing, Mark from athletics, and someone in a lab coat with OHSU embroidered in large letters across the front of it were in the gym when you got there, but are not available for comment at this time. “Let's call Jennifer, she has to has some answers for us, I would think,” Adams says, reaching for the phone. Cliff nods in agreement. Adam looks up the number and then dials Jennifer at her home.

The conversation that followed was very insightful. Apparently, the whole situation came from an idea by marketing for the re-branding of LBCC in the sports and athletics department. The bird was bio-engineered at OHSU and trained to interact with basketball players at public games. It was a project meant to literally bring the LBCC Roadrunner mascot to life. The objective that evening was simply to introduce 'Rocky the Roadrunner' to his new home, and then take it back to Portland. They had yet to add a holding pen or play-yard for the giant bird to the campus grounds, but it was being budgeted for later that year. Adam didn't bother informing her of what had happened that evening.

After hanging up the phone, there was a long silence, as Cliff, Adam, and you glance at each other. “Well,” said Adam, leaning back into his chair, “any ideas?” You shake your head. Cliff speaks up though. “I couldn't help but take note that this thing is trained for basketball games. We may be able to use that to our advantage.” “How so?,” you ask. “It is certainly fortunate that the bird is in the Activity Center because we won't have to go very far to find some sports equipment. I'm thinking that we can take advantage of whatever training this thing has with basketball to distract it long enough to capture it,” Cliff says. “Capture it with what exactly?,” asks Adam. “I think a volleyball net would do nicely, and once it gets all tangled, we can whomp it on the head with your baseball bat,” Cliff says, looking at the bat laying in your lap. “That should put it out of commission long enough that we can move it somewhere that we can hold it better until morning.”

Adam scratches his chin. “I like it, but I have another idea.” “What's that?,” inquires Cliff. “It's a bird, right?! Instead of basketballs, we can use food to lure it out of the Activity Center and into the surplus building, where we can make use of the cages there to properly contain it until morning,” Adam observes, “more specifically, we can use a public safety cage, which we have access to and should be big enough to keep it safe.” Cliff nods in approval. “What food would you use?,” you ask. “Well,” says Adam, “we can use whatever bread we can grab from the Courtyard Cafe. It's close to us and I'm sure they'll forgive us after finding out what happened this evening.” “Sounds like a pretty solid plan as well,” exclaims Cliff, “but let's leave it to our guest to cast the deciding vote.” Both Cliff and Adam look directly at you, “so what do you wanna do?”

Make your choice!