Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital

Lindsay Wildlife Experience Volunteer Orientation

Wildlife Rehabilitation-Specific Orientation

This section contains additional tasks required to become a Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital volunteer.

There are three sections on this page. Please complete the tasks in each section that applies to you:


For All Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital Volunteers

For pdf-format documents, please download and open these documents with a pdf viewer, or open them in your browser using a pdf app. If you "Open with Google Docs" the page formatting will be changed, making some document features unreadable.

California Department of Fish & Wildlife Permit Requirements

Lindsay Wildlife Experience operates a wildlife rehabilitation facility under a permit from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Every paid staff member or unpaid volunteer of a wildlife rehabilitation organization who physically handles wildlife is required to read the Permit Conditions and sign a document affirming they understand and shall abide by the terms and conditions of the Permit Conditions when they start at Lindsay, and whenever the permit is renewed (every 3 years).

Name Badge

Please use the link below to order your new name badge.

You can also use the link to request an updated badge when you have a change in badge information, such as Team membership.

Volunteer Profile and Email Lists Sign Up

Please use the link below to set up access to your profile in the Lindsay Volunteer System database, and to request to be added to our various communications lists.

Your First Day

Please read "Your First Day Instructions", which includes information such as dress code and parking, in the document linked below before you arrive for your first shift. Even if you are a transport/releases/reunites or homecare/satellite care volunteer only, you still need to know information such as where to park and dress code in the hospital.


Additional Tasks for New Hospital Shift Volunteers Only

Volunteer Availability Form

First, let us know when you are available to be scheduled for a recurring weekly volunteer shift:

Initial Shift Volunteer Training

Your initial (Core) shift volunteer training activities should be completed before your first shift. When you have completed all onboarding tasks, the hospital recruiter or volunteer coordinator will send you a link to the training information and sign-up page. Please make sure you let the recruiter know when you have completed the onboarding tasks.


Additional Tasks For New Homecare Volunteers Only

(These tasks are not required if you will not be doing homecare at this time.)

Additional Permit Requirements and Agreements

If you want to do homecare, there is additional paperwork required by state and federal agencies. Please refer to the links below for additional tasks. (If you are working with a homecare team or the Husbandry Technician on satellite facility approval, please continue working with them.)

New Site: Apply to Become a Satellite Facility

If you are currently in contact with a homecare team or the Husbandry Technician, please continue working with them. If you are newly applying to become a Satellite Facility, please send an email to homecarerecruiting@lindsaywildlife.org to start the satellite site approval process. Please be aware that approval will require a review of the appropriateness of the location, this may simply be site pictures or a "Zoom walk-through", but may require an on-site inspection for large enclosures.

Initial Homecare Volunteer Training

Homecare/Satellite Facility Volunteers: Please watch the "Core Skills Lecture Part 1" found at the link below and take the associated quiz. Even if you are not volunteering in the hospital at this time, you still need to be aware of basic hospital functions and health & safety.


If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact the Wildlife Rahabilitation Hospital Volunteer Manager, Chris Beard, through: hospitalrecruiting@lindsaywildlife.org.

