Self-Care and Mindfulness


Mindfulness can help to keep balance in our hectic lives. Please see links below that promote health and wellness

15 Ways to Practice Self-Care
Infinite Breathing
Mind Full or Mindful?

What is Self-Care?

Self-Care Is Not...

  • Selfish

  • Self-indulgent

  • Expensive

  • Luxurious

  • A fad

  • Cookie-cutter / the same for everyone

  • A sign of weakness

  • Something to feel guilty about

Self-Care Is...

  • Self-preservation

  • Self-love

  • Self-compassion

  • A necessity

  • Fluid / ever-changing

  • Intentional

  • Rejuvenating

  • Nourishment

  • An act of giving yourself permission

Self-Care Tips