Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS)

The I&RS Team works collaboratively to serve general education students experiencing difficulties, and assist staff members who have difficulties addressing students’ learning, behavior, social/emotional, and/or health needs. It’s comprised of the vice principal, both school counselors, school-based social worker, a member of the Child Study Team (CST), a special education teacher, and content teachers who develop and implement an assistance plan for students.

A student who experiences difficulty in school may be referred to the I&RS Team by anyone. The parents or legal guardians are informed of any referrals. Once there’s a referral, the I&RS Team consults with the student’s classroom teachers, parents or legal guardians, and other appropriate school employees to gather relevant information regarding the student’s educational status, attendance, classroom behavior, and school conduct.

Based on the gathered information, the I&RS Team develops and implements an action plan that includes targeted interventions to support the student’s regular educational program, referral for school interventions, recommendations for strategies for home, and/or referral to community agencies for interventions and/or assessments. The case manager consults with staff members for a review and assessment of the effectiveness of the plan. If the action plan is determined to be ineffective, the plan is reviewed and amended as necessary. If the review indicates a disability, the student can be referred to the Child Study Team (CST) for an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education and/or related services. Parents or legal guardians remain actively involved in the development and implementation of plans.

For further information, please contact your child’s counselor.