Student Assistance Counselor

What is a SAC?

Student Assistance Counselor

What is a Student Assistance Counselor (SAC)?
Student Assistance Counselors are certified with advanced training and experience in the field of substance abuse and mental health. SACs coordinate and oversee the overall components of a Student Assistance Program. SACs are available to provide confidential counseling and referral services for at risk students and their parents. The ultimate goal is to empower students to assist in the development and maintenance of a positive school climate.
Student Assistance Counselors facilitate programming for both parents and students that address issues such as substance abuse prevention and awareness, mental health issues, healthy relationships and coping, student safety, and related topics. SACs serve as liaisons to Union County Ment
al Health & Addicition Services and report out on current school programs and supports.
Individual/Group Counseling
SACs facilitate individual/group counseling to support issues such as:

    • Substance Abuse

    • LGBTQ+

    • Mental Health issues

    • Adjustment issues

    • Family issues

    • Social issues

    • Diversity/tolerance

    • Eating Disorders

    • Loss/grief

  • Referrals made to SAC's and any subsequent information gathered remains confidential.

Union County Mental Health& Addiction Resources