Login Information

Google Drive

Go to: https://www.google.com/drive/ or the app

User: 2025@lhcs.net

Pass: student2025


Go to: www.getepic.com/students or the app

Class code: cep0644

Find your child's name and you're ready!

Brain POP Jr.

Go to: https://jr.brainpop.com

User: Pauls3A

Pass: Lhcs2010


Go to: https://app.knowledgehook.com/app/StudentJoin or the app

Class Code: cat4838

Password: Lhcs2010


Each child has a folder here. If you have access to a computer feel free to ask your child to work here or, you may upload pictures of pencil and paper work. Please put it in your child's folder.

login: 2025@lhcs.net

password: student2025

--> Miss Pauls

--> Your child's folder

Please text 519-897-5999 or email rpauls@lhcs.net with your phone number if you would like to speak with me and I will return your call as I am able.

Paper and pencil work can be uploaded daily or everything on Friday, using the GOOGLE DRIVE. Do what works best for you and your family.

Please add it to your child's folder.

Login- Miss Pauls- Your Child's Folder-+NEW - File Upload